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The Hayward Geologic Hazard Abatement District (GHAD) currently includes The Reserve (La Vista) development and the Ersted Property development in Hayward, California. The Reserve development is located at the east terminus of Tennyson Avenue and the Ersted Property development is located south of Tennyson Avenue, abutting The Reserve development to the west.

The Hayward GHAD was formed in 2016 to serve residents within The Reserve development. The Hayward GHAD Board of Directors accepted Plan of Control responsibilities for some parcels within The Reserve development in February 2020. In August 2019, the Board of Directors approved the annexation of the Ersted Property into the Hayward GHAD. The GHAD has not accepted Plan of Control responsibilities for the Ersted Property development at this time. The Board of Directors for the Hayward GHAD are the members of the Hayward City Council.

The Hayward GHAD is responsible for prevention, mitigation, abatement, and control of geologic hazards within the GHAD boundaries including mitigating or abating landslides and erosion hazards that could directly affect properties within the GHAD boundaries. In addition, the Hayward GHAD has significant responsibilities for managing water quality facilities. The Hayward GHAD owns the majority of the open space surrounding The Reserve development. As a land owner, the GHAD assumes responsibility for annual vegetation management for fire suppression.

As listed in each Plan of Control for both developments, the guidance documents for the Hayward GHAD, site improvements for which the Hayward GHAD provides monitoring and maintenance, are provided below:

The Reserve development

  • Open space slopes, included within the Hayward Concentrated Fault Zone and Easements “M” and “TBD”
  • Surface drainage improvements, such as drainage ditches, storm drain inlets and outlets, subdrain outlets and risers, within the GHAD boundary and easements “M” and “TBD”
  • Open space instrumentation
  • Property line fencing
  • Surface water quality treatment, water quality pond, and detention basins
  • Retaining walls on GHAD-owned property
  • CDS water quality treatment units along Tennyson Road
  • Maintenance roads within water quality pond, detention basins, and over public water mains on GHAD parcels
  • Debris benches and catchment structures
  • Trails on GHAD-owned property
  • Vegetation control for fire suppression on GHAD-owned property

Ersted Property development

  • Open space slopes
  • Surface drainage improvements, such drainage ditches, storm drain inlets and outlets, subdrain outlets and risers within the GHAD boundary and Parcels “L” and “M”
  • Open space instrumentation
  • Debris benches and catchment structures
  • Trails within Parcels “L” and “M”
  • Vegetation control for fire suppression on Parcels “L” and “M”

The Hayward GHAD is financed through the collection of supplemental tax assessments from homeowners within the GHAD. Revenue is typically split between an ongoing operations/maintenance and the accumulation of a reserve for less frequent major repair items. The 2016 Engineer’s Report for The Reserve development serves as the basis for the annual operating budget for The Reserve development. Each year, an annual assessment and budget is considered and adopted by the Hayward GHAD Board of Directors. Once Plan of Control responsibilities for the Ersted Property are transferred to the GHAD, the Engineer’s Report for Ersted Property will serve as a basis for the annual operating budget for the Ersted Property and be incorporated into the annual budget for the Hayward GHAD.

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